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knapjack rss

Primary hangout of @knapjack, because the Fediverse isn't just one thing.

I snap photos on film, flip bits for a living and live in the subarctic. Be kind, rewind.

knapjack honked 27 Jul 2024 04:11 +0000

We're watching the time-delayed opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympics and cheered on the tiny boat of athletes from Eswatini, then looked it up:

  • Twenty-eight percent of the adult population is HIV-positive
  • Eswatini has the 12th-lowest life expectancy in the world, at 58 years
  • People aged 14 years or younger constitute 35% of the country's population
  • The median age is 22 years


knapjack bonked 25 Jul 2024 06:51 +0000
original: [email protected]

@AlaskaWx They then had a heavy rain shower that dropped 0.93" in 1 hour. This is a 500-year rain amount for 1 hour according to NOAA Atlas 14. The 2-hour total of 1.23" has a 1000-year recurrence interval.

knapjack bonked 25 Jul 2024 01:47 +0000
original: [email protected]

@linguistics @linguistics

Please share to expand reach.

This is a longshot, but I'm looking for someone that knows the Alutiiq language. I am a writer and one of my characters is Alutiiq. She does not speak the language but her parents did, so I am looking for help picking a name for her.

If you know anyone that lives in the Anchorage Alaska area they would be most likely to know someone.

#alaska #native #language #alutiiq

knapjack bonked 25 Jul 2024 01:45 +0000
original: [email protected]

This is the first time since NINETEEN SEVENTY SIX that nobody named Bush, Clinton, or Biden is on the presidential ticket. FORTY-EIGHT YEARS.

knapjack bonked 24 Jul 2024 14:12 +0000
original: [email protected]

Gentle reminder and request.

We are all going to see a lot of inflammatory, viral, racist, sexist libelous shit over the next months.

Your rage is what they want. They want you to dunk on it, repost it with your hot takes, and spread it.

Deny them the free publicity and platform. Please don't link, quote, or share that stuff.

Let it wither in darkness and loneliness.

Sunlight may be the best disinfectant when facts are in play, but this is influence. Repeating lies spreads them.

knapjack bonked 23 Jul 2024 13:59 +0000
original: [email protected]

„Last Coffee Shop Before the Galaxy“! (2024) ✨ 🪐 ☕

Old #punk lady's #coffee shop on the #moon where the young #space kids fighting for free space travel drop by before going on their #adventures.

I'm a huge #astronomy and #coffee #nerd but I don't really express these in my #art so I thought why not combine the two ^__^

#JfmlArt #illustration #creative #DigitalArt #FediArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #ArtWithOpenSource #ArtistsOnMastodon #inkscape #SciFi #ScienceFiction #horror #milkyway

Monochrome illustration of the inside of a hipster coffee shop, the old lady barista is just doing some latte art, there are stickers on the coffee machine and the walls are full of coffee making equipment, that have tiny astronomical things in them (a miniature sun, moons, planets etc). There's a giant window from which you can see the surface of the moon, the earthrise and our milky way in the background.

knapjack bonked 23 Jul 2024 05:43 +0000
original: [email protected]


The film transport in my Contax III is strong. So strong that when it reaches the end of the roll, it just keeps going, and going, and going, giving no indication that it’s the end. Hence this frame, with maybe 5 or 6 exposures. Kirkland Signature 200 (made by Agfa, expired 2002), ECN-2 development.


Buildings and trees and cars and sky and clouds and streets merge into a mess.

knapjack bonked 22 Jul 2024 14:34 +0000
original: [email protected]

Do you know how to revoke a user's access in an emergency? This could be due to a compromised account, employee termination, insider threat or another reason.

In short you need to

❌ Disable the user in Active Directory
❌ Reset the user's password twice in the Active Directory
❌ Disable the user in Microsoft Entra ID
❌ Revoke the user's Microsoft Entra ID refresh tokens
❌ Disable the user's devices

The good news is there's a really good doc that includes the cmdlets you can use for automating the steps 👇


knapjack bonked 22 Jul 2024 14:31 +0000
original: [email protected]

Seagulls Will Eat Your Food

I had lunch at Moby’s Lobster Hut last week. Took the Kiev 88cm with me while testing my backs. They all had light leaks. I still like these two photos and think they need to be seen together. Fomapan 400, Rodinal 1:50.

#ShittyCameraChallenge #BelieveInFilm

Diptych; left photo shows a seagull standing on a railing overlooking a picnic table, where there is a tray containing a sandwich, french fries, and a beer. The right photo focuses on a chalkboard with the words “Please Don’t Leave Food Unattended. Seagulls Will Eat Your Food!!"

knapjack honked 22 Jul 2024 05:20 +0000

@ducky How have you been? Do I remember correctly that you went to UBC?

knapjack honked 22 Jul 2024 05:16 +0000

...and we're back, again. Finally got the blob.db down from 21 GB to 3 GB. Going to set up a job to run cleanup weekly, I think. #honknet

knapjack bonked 20 Jul 2024 18:16 +0000
original: [email protected]

Context- someone on the birdside are blaming #crowdstrike on DEI hiring

Here’s the thing folks. I’ve been coding 32 years. When something like this happens it’s an organizational failure. Yes, some human wrote a bad line. Someone can “git blame” and point to a human and it’s awful. But it’s the testing, the Cl/CD, the A/B testing, the metered rollouts, an oh shit button to roll it back, the code coverage, the static analysis tools, the code reviews, the organizational health, and on and on 1/3